Mainstream Media

Mark Huber
Matrix Time
Matthew Ward
Michelle Obama
Military After NESARA
Military Revolt
Morgellons Disease
Mother Earth/Gaia
Mr. X
Nadia Bhutto
NESARA Announcement
New Technologies
Northern Ireland
North Korea



New Technologies

Obama has invited inventors and researchers with New Technological breakthroughs to help his administration field solutions to major energy, pollution, transportation and other serious issues facing us at this time.

Anti-gravity technology known to be in use by the secret government is now in its 4/5th generation and completely out-modes all current transportation methods for on and off-planet transportation travel...including the whole NASA space program as well as airline/ship/truck/automobile transportation methods rooted in old polluting technologies.

You can see why the Controllers want to stay in control of these technologies which enrich them at the expense of everyone else on the planet. (May 24, 2009)

Anti-Gravity Technology...Most of what is written in standard texts is like describing an elephant by a blind man.

Universal physics involves understanding of holographic principles, hyperdimensional physics and quantum entanglements to name just a few. Nanites are rarely even mentioned and intelligence as described is woefully inadequate.

Now combine several or more of these and you cross dimensional boundaries we will soon be equipped to consider as we regain our multi-dimensional awareness.

Non-ordinary reality is what we're moving towards.

Our secret government scientists are involved in 5th generation anti-gravity and quantum entanglement uses and devices.

A big gulf exists at this moment.

Before this year is ended we will be using some of these 'higher dimensional physics principles' in our everyday lives, and think nothing of it. (June 3, 2009.)

After NESARA is announced, will all of the technologies be made available to the public such anti-aging, elimination of disease, interplanetary travel, faster computers, and devices for cleaning up the environment?

Most of those will be and others not mentioned. However, until full planetary ascension, they will be under the distribution and guardianship of 5D Humans who have ascended in the First Wave. Many of the technologies require 5D permanent status to be used responsibly. Free power, medical treatment, enhanced learning technologies; Internet 5 {Amino Acid/nanite} communications systems will be brought forth as responsible ones attain 5D. (June 18, 2008.)

Enhanced learning devices/techniques; medical diagnostic/healing of all conditions will become available; planet-wide communications--what I call 'Internet 5'-- will become freely available. New food technologies will take all the drudgery out of pure organic farming while making the most nutritious foods locally available. No more 3000 mile transporting of Lettuce, Avocados, Breads, or Proteins by trucks over highways. Lifting platforms working on anti-gravity principles will not need roads or petroleum products. Retrofit black boxes will quickly be made available so that our existing vehicles can get 100-400 MPG. Power generation sources will be changed and the coal/oil fired plants dismantled. This is necessary to keep our newly cleaned skies, air, water, land and food pure. All will be available in our own areas of residence. (May 27, 2008.)